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All CollectionsUsing Plumb'sShare handouts with pet owners
How do I print or email several pet owner handouts at once?
How do I print or email several pet owner handouts at once?
Updated over a week ago

If you’re dispensing multiple medications at once or educating a client about a new condition and new medications, you may find it helpful to share multiple pet owner handouts. It’s easy to select multiple handouts (both drug handouts and clinical handouts, if you're subscribed to Plumb's Pro) and email them as one downloadable file or print them right from your computer or phone.

Here’s how:

1. Use the search bar to locate your handouts. Pro Tip: Click on the Handouts filter at the top of the search results page to narrow your results.

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2. Click Select on the search results card for the handout you’d like to share.

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3. Repeat steps 1-2 for each of the additional handouts you’d like to bundle and share with the pet owner.

Once you’ve selected all of your handouts, proceed to step 4.

4. Time to share your handouts! Click on Selected Handouts under Tools in your sidebar. On the mobile app, tap Tools in the bottom navigation bar, and then tap Selected Handouts.

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On this page, tap Email, Print, or Download to share the handouts you’ve selected. See further instructions for each sharing option below.


Email is a great option for your digitally connected clients. Bonus: The email comes from Plumb's, so you don't have to worry about sharing your personal email address (or a clinic address that no one has time to monitor).

  • Enter the pet owner’s email address in the Email To field. The pet owner will see any email addresses you add in this field. Separate multiple email addresses with a comma.

  • Enter the email addresses you added in the previous step in the Confirm Email To field. This is important! A typo or missing @ or .com will mean the email cannot be delivered.

  • Use BCC (click the plus icon to expand) to send a copy of this email to your clinic email or personal email for record-keeping. (Clients will not see the email addresses listed in this field.)

  • Feel free to customize the subject line and email message if you’d like to include contact information for your practice or remind the pet owner of other pertinent details.

Once you’re finished, click Email Handouts to send.



  • Have special notes to include? Type them into the Add Instructions box. Any notes you add will be appended to the end of the handouts.

  • When you’re finished adding notes, click Print Handouts.

  • Your browser’s print dialog box will appear, where you can preview the guides, confirm printing preferences, and print.


The download option makes it easy to send handouts through your practice management system. Please note: Handouts should not be saved offline or on external platforms. Please download handouts at the time of use to ensure you are distributing the most current information to pet owners.

  • Have special notes to include? Type them into the Add Instructions box. Any notes you add will be appended to the end of the handouts.

  • When you’re finished adding notes, click Download Handouts.

  • Your selected handouts will immediately download as a single PDF, which you can then upload to your practice management system or attach and send via your preferred client communication platform.

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