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What can I do with the notes feature?
Updated over a week ago

If you’ve ever scribbled a note in the margin of your book or used sticky notes to update an old copy, you’ll love the notes feature in Plumb’s. You can add, edit, and delete notes from any device. Plus, your notes will travel with you, no matter where you go.

There are 4 types of notes you can create in Plumb’s:

General Note

Jot down the big ideas and keep them top of mind. General notes aren’t attached to any particular drug or Dx & Tx monograph. You can use them to turn Plumb’s into your digital nerdbook.

Add notes on anything, from the calculation for resting energy requirements to a preferred anesthetic protocol or even the specific therapeutic preferences of your favorite local specialist. You can add and edit these notes at any time at the bottom of your home page in a browser or by tapping on Notes in the app, which you'll find in the Tools tab.

Drug Note

The perfect spot for general, high-level notes on a drug—it’s like your own prescriber highlights. Whether you’re browsing from a practice workstation or scrolling on your phone or tablet, you can easily pin a note to a specific drug monograph. Record anecdotal impressions of how patients respond, keep track of retail pharmacy costs for clients, or note current trends in prescribing. Just tap Add Note at the top of any drug monograph.

Section Note

Pin notes right where you need them within the drug monograph itself. For instance, you might save a note about melarsomine’s concentration information (it’s listed in mg per vial, not mg/mL) in the Dosage Forms section, where you’re most likely to need the reminder.

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Appendix Note

Attach a note to any appendix item. You can pin those great tidbits you picked up from a recent CE event or save additional resources you reference often. For example, there’s an appendix article on estrus and gestation periods that’s perfect for saving a note on the timing for different methods of pregnancy detection.

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