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Where can I find my notes?
Updated over a week ago

Once you have created a note, you can easily access, edit, or delete it from any device.

On a browser, you’ll find all of your notes on your home page, under My Notes. Use the Filter button to sort your notes by type (eg, General, Drug, Appendix). You can access your home page at any time by clicking on the Plumb’s logo in the upper left-hand corner of the screen or by selecting Notes & Favorites from the My Account drop-down menu.

In the app, simply tap on the Notes tab at the bottom of the screen. The Filter button is in the upper right-hand corner of your screen and allows you to sort by note type.

You can also access a drug note and any section-specific notes for a drug monograph within the monograph itself by clicking on the Notes icon anywhere it’s filled in or clicking Show All Notes in your browser.

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