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Release Notes [June 2022]: Streamlined search results, new shortcuts, and other app updates
Release Notes [June 2022]: Streamlined search results, new shortcuts, and other app updates
Updated over a week ago

Plumb’s™ is all about saving you time. We built the web and mobile apps to help you efficiently make clinical decisions in veterinary practice, and we’re continually improving the platform so you can find the information you need right when you need it.

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For this round of updates to the mobile app, we’ve tidied up clutter, created new shortcuts, and increased text size to make crucial information easier to read—even on small screens.

What’s Changed

Here are a few enhancements you’ll see next time you update your app.

Streamlined search results with less clutter

You asked; we made it happen! Search results and content pages now display more monographs and guides per screen, so you can find what you’re looking for with less scrolling.


BONUS: Our intelligent search now remembers what you’ve viewed recently. Just tap on the search bar to see the list and get back to the information you were looking at.


New shortcut for the drug interaction checker

Need to check interactions with the drug you’re prescribing? Just tap on the interaction checker quick link in the drug monograph. The drug you were viewing will automatically populate in the interaction checker.


Faster calculator experience in drug monographs

No more flipping back and forth! The calculator now slides up over the drug monograph, so you can make calculations and reference dosages at the same time. You can even scroll through the drug monograph without collapsing the calculator.


Tidied-up home screen (now with favorites)

We heard you missed having favorites on your home screen, so we brought them back! When you open your app, search and favorites will be the first thing you see.


New home for features

Search will always be the fastest way to find what you’re looking for, but if you want to see what Plumb’s™ has to offer, tap on the new Features button in the bottom navigation bar.


Simplified drug monograph layout

No more table of contents! We’ve collapsed the sections in the drug monograph so you can see what’s included and easily tap into the section you need without scrolling through all the content.


Increased text size

Many of you mentioned the text could be hard to read on smaller screens, so we bumped up the font size and made improvements that help Plumb’s™ work better with your phone’s text size settings.

Overall, we’ve refreshed the app based on feedback from you, our subscribers. These enhancements have been through countless rounds of internal review and user testing with veterinarians who depend on Plumb’s™ in their practices. It’s designed to be easy to use from day one—whatever your workflow.

Frequently Asked Questions

Got questions? We’ve answered a few of the most common ones.

Why did the design change?

Our last design update brought several improvements and new features to the Plumb’s™ app, but the navigation and layout also became crowded and overwhelming. Because we’re committed to improving your experience with Plumb’s™, we decided to update the design to reduce clutter and distractions.

Where did the appendix go?

Many of you shared that you had a hard time locating the appendix articles in the previous layout. So we pulled them out of the drug monographs page and gave them their own page, which you can access by tapping Features in the bottom navigation bar. You can also find specific articles with a quick keyword search (eg, blood products).

Can I still share pet owner guides from the app?

Yes! When we simplified the content tiles to display more search results on your screen, we moved the guide options to their own screen. Just tap on a guide title (watch for the Guide tag) to see options to view, print, email, or add to your list to share multiple guides.

How do I add a favorite?

Tap on the star icon anywhere it appears. You’ll see it on the drug monographs and appendix articles, as well as the options screen for medication guides.

Are the Plumb’s Pro™ features in the mobile app?

Yes! As of August 2022, all Plumb’s Pro™ features, including our diagnosis and treatment monographs, algorithms, and patient guides, are available in the iOS and Android apps. Learn more about the features and how you can get access here.

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